My dear wonderful family,
This week went by so fast! So much going on I can't remember it all but I'll do my best!
Monday all the shimai [sisters] shared a spiritual message with the Omori family but on our way back my front tire popped. So Tuesday morning we got it fixed but then as we were biking to the Akatsuka family house (about an hour bike ride away) after District Meeting we realized my actual tire (not the tube inside) was breaking and would probably pop my tire soon, so we walked the rest of the way there. The Akatsukas had actually invited a friend over to play--conveniently during the time of our appointment ;)--so they invited their friend in to listen to our message and we taught about God and families and invited them all to General Conference. Then we came back and served at the Lodging Home and had dinner and DCS.
Wednesday, we had seminary and then bought me a new tire and visited people and had Eikaiwa [English class].
Thursday we had Ladies' Eikaiwa and Izumi Meeting and then visited Wako-san (a PI [potential investigator]) and she invited us in and fed us and talked with us for a long time and said we could share a spiritual message next time. Yay! Then we had District Chirashi kubari [flyer distribution] but it got cut short because the train station security told us we had to get permission from the police (whom we'd already asked, but they said we didn't need permission from them).
Friday we had pizza for dinner with the Browne family and talked about all the good books that have come out since I've been out. :D It was so fun! It was like being in a little slice of America again and talking to my cousins about our favorite books. It was really great. :)
Saturday was General Conference!!!! At least in Tohoku, each ward recorded General Conference on DVDs and then had a ward general conference. Our schedule was:
Saturday: 10am-12pm Saturday Morning Session
1-3pm Saturday Afternoon Session
3:30pm General Women Meeting (or Priesthood Session)
Sunday: 10am-12pm Sunday Morning Session
1-3pm Sunday Afternoon Session
So we got to see all the broadcasts! It was wonderful! We English speakers were in the Relief Society room (next to the chapel) and got to hear every word of Conference. Wasn't it wonderful? We are blessed with incredibly inspired men and women as our leaders. My favorite talks were by Elder W. Craig Zwick, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Elder M. Russel[l] Ballard, Bishop Gary E. Stevenson, Elder David A. Bednar, and Elder Michael John. U. Teh... just to name a few. :D I also thought it was interesting how nearly every speaker used Helaman 5:12 (build your foundation on Christ so the whirlwinds of life will have no power over you). I love that scripture! And so many said 'discipleship' and 'stand up for the faith' and 'take heart.' So powerful! I had been praying before Conference and writing down questions and one of the ones I wrote was 'How can I keep from getting discouraged?' and I felt like all of Conference was an answer to that question--that there will be times when I am sad and discouraged, but when those times happen, just if I just remember God's love and build my foundation upon Christ even stronger at those times, I will not falter and my heart will take courage. I truly need Him every hour.
I think the Japanese loved Conference too. They all told us afterward that they could hear the people in the English room laughing and were very curious as to what was so funny. Maybe the Japanese translation didn't have the same funny things the speakers said as did the English version, or maybe the Japanese just didn't think the speakers were funny, haha. :) Wow, Zach with no 9s! Greensboro watch out! I hope the weekend was fun with Richard! I'm so glad Mrs. English's surgery went well. It was so fun to hear about Natalie's bridal shower! Zach, I hope you have recovered from your noble service. :D Good luck on your finals Tyler--and Mom too!
Thank you for your letters and emails!! I love hearing everything you are up to. I miss you and love you!!!!!!!!!!
Your missionary,
Bellows shimai :)
P.P.S. Oh, and I don't know if you have gotten my letter yet (Tyler) but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How does it feel to be aging? I hope you have a wonderful birthday! I love you so much my wonderful hero!
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