Wednesday, March 18, 2015

E-mail, 3/16/2015

My dear wonderful family!!!

We taught 20 lessons again this week!

Tuesday we had a mogi [roleplay]-lesson with Degai shimai [Sister Degai] and then lunch with Kitamura shimai [Sister Kitamura] at Otoya. Then we biked to Takenoko shimai's [Sister Takenoko’s] (LA [less-active member]) (45 minutes away uphill). The wind was so strong! It took us an extra 15 minutes to get there but thankfully the wind pushed us up some of the hills! Takenoko shimai wasn't home so we vis[i]ted a nice couple we found housing nearby and they let us in and the Dad did magic tricks for us and the Mom had a lot of questions about the church. We haven't been able to pray with them yet but they have a good chance of becoming investigators! They asked us what time church is at and said they went by the church the other day and that it's a beautiful building. We invited them to come but it's pretty far and I don't think they have a car. After that visit we went back to Takenoko shimai's house and she was home and we were able to share a message with her in her genkan [entryway]! Then we came back to the church and had FFEP [Free Family English Program] with Ishita-san. It was so good! Sister Tairabune jointed and Ishita-san was so interested in the lesson. She has been reading the Book of Mormon on her own and said she loved the part where Laman and Lemuel fight with Nephi after they lose all their money to Laban--she said it's so real to life. She's progressing! It's so cool to see!

Wednesday we had a mogi lesson with Sister Sato about the Word of Wisdom. It's always interesting to teach the Word of Wisdom to members in Japan because most of them think caffeine is bad and a small amount of alcohol in food is okay. And even though we try to explain the correct doctrine to them, if they've been a strong member of the church for a long time they don't always listen. I guess we just have to teach the younger generation. Then we had a lesson with Sister Kato (RC [recent convert]). Really good! Then another mogi. Then we had a lesson with Shion-chan (RC) about family history--and she invited Sae-chan and Sae-chan came! Way good! Shion-shimai gave Sae-chan a leather triple combination. Sae-chan was so excited. I have never known such a strong PI [potential investigator] before. I'm praying so hard her mom gives her permission to take the lessons soon! Eikaiwa [English class]. It was a blizzard (snow and wind so hard it blew us around on our bikes) so not many people. I caught a cold. Whoops.

Thursday we had a lesson with Yamashita-san about the Atonement--and she understood! And she said she thinks she she should use that gift!! Holy cow! She has progressed so much from since I got here! From being just an Eikaiwa student, to an investigator, to understanding and applying what she is learning! Wow wow wow! After that our appointment was cancelled so we went housing but it was too cold so no one was out and no one was home so we visited a member and left a note for her. 

Friday I was sooo sick. Head, nose, throat, ears, eyes hurt. Runny nose, fever. I took the last of the medicine I brought from America but it didn't do anything so we went to the doctor. I've never been to the doctor in Japan before Hachinohe and in Hachinohe I've been to 3 different clinics! Very exciting. The physicians try to speak English to me, but then usually revert back to Japanese. The nurses only speak Japanese to me. Haha. I know a lot about Japanese hospitals now. Anyway. The doctor said my throat was really swollen and the medicine I took prevents high fever so he thought I may have the flu, but not sure so will you take a test? Okay. Took the test, not flu, so they gave me 3 different cold medicines. From the doctor we went to the church for District Meeting and then ate lunch. Came back to the church and Smith shimai [Sister Smith, the mission president’s wife] called saying I needed to take the TB test [tuberculosis test, for work when Katie gets home]. Luckily Iwahashi shimai [Sister Iwahashi] and I are well familiar with the clinicis [clinics] in Hachinohe, but we didn't have time to call right then because Tanaka shimai [Sister Tanaka] arrived for our mogi. Then we called Matsuda shimai [Sister Matsuda] (LA). Her health is very poor so we just did a message on the phone rather than visit her. Then we went to Saito shimai's [Sister Sato’s] house for a mogi. Then housing. Ate delicious Chinese food for dinner. Then went to the church and called hospitals to find somewhere to take a TB test. Good thing I have a Japanese companion because the name of the test is different in Japanese. Iwahashi shimai called the hospital and found out the names of the tests they do for TB in Japan and I looked them up in my dictionary and we found the right one and found a place open Saturday! (most Japanese clinics aren't really open on the weekends) Heavenly help! Then we had our Fun Friday (FHE [family home evening]) activity! We were in charge of the activity so for language study I translated what I could remember of "Spy" (the board game we have at home that's like mofia [Mafia]. Remember that one? We played it a lot at the Bellows Family Reunion [it’s actually called The Resistance]) and made a board game and cards and had it all in Japanese and we played that for the activity. I learned a lot of Japanese military vocabulary, which is great because most of our Eikaiwa students are in the Japanese navy. :) All of the people who came loved it, so it was great fun. Glad I was able to remember all the rules for it! I'm sure I messed up some stuff, but it worked out just fine! We came home and TRANSFER CALLS CAME! I'm staying in Hachinohe!!!!! My new companion is Isogai shimai [Sister Iosgai]. She's Japanese. From down south. I went on splits with her this transfer and lived with her my second transfer in Kamisugi (when I couldn't speak Japanese). So she's one transfer behind me. She's the senior companion and I'm the STL. :8 (Because our mission is rapidly dropping in terms of the number of sisters President Smith has changed STL [sister training leaders] to 4 people, not 4 companionships.) I was pretty surprised. I'm tanto [in charge?] over the Aomori sisters and the Akita sister because President Smith closed Hirosaki and Odate to sisters (because of the dropping numbers). I don't remember if I told you this, but because Iwahashi shimai has to take entrance exams for college she goes home this transfer instead of next transfer. So sad she's leaving! I love her so much!

Saturday we went to the clinic to get my TB test--never have been so happy to get a TB test in my life! I was cheering! I was pretty happy when I thanked the nurse for giving me the shot, haha. Anyway, it was perfect because the clinic was on our way to a lesson we were teaching with the Elders and Brother Ono to their investigator. Then we came back an[d] had a... I don't know what to call it... Kimono Photoshoot? Haha, one of the ward members loves kimonos and so she invited us to have a kimono photoshoot for our high-school aged investigators and recent converts to help them build friendships so we did! Way fun! Then we had ward coordination meeting and then did a mogi. Then we visited a less active and did follow up housing and were able to teach some lessons! Then the new family (that came to Eikaiwa last week) came to Eikaiwa again this week—and they brought another family!!! Yay!!

Sunday was Yoshi-kun's confirmation during sacrament meeting. Sae-chan came to church! And so did Moe-chan!!!!! It's been so long!!! We had a lesson with her after church and asked her how she felt about being baptized and she said; I still want to!! We invited her to be baptized the first week of May and she said yes!!! Then there was a potluck after church and we did a mogi with the Ward mission leader. Then as I was sitting, pondering trying to decide what we needed to do to Sae-chan came up to me and started talking to me about what she's been praying about recently and where she has been reading in the Book of Mormon recently and the prayers that have been answered and it was so amazing! She said she wants to be baptized and that she wants so much for her mom to give her permission to hear the lessons--she said by watching us teach other people she knows she can learn so much if we could teach her. She said sometimes when she reads the Book of Mormon she sees things and she sometimes feels like; there's something I can learn from this, but I don't know what but if I had a teacher I know I could understand. Everything she said just touched my heart!! She's only 17 but she's reading and praying every day! She said she was praying about transfers but didn't know what to pray for because she knows missionaries need to transfer to meet with the people who need to meet them but she didn't want any of us to transfer so she prayed to know what to pray for about transfers!! I'm so amazed by her! Please pray for her to be able to get permission to take the lessons. I love her so much. We also had the special chance to watch a broadcast from Tokyo of Elder Nelson speaking. He talked about missionary work and how we need to be able to give short, easy to understand answers to important topics. It was so amazing!!

Please also pray for Miyaji-san and Natsuko-san. Miyaji-san said she's too busy right now to take the lessons and Natsuko-san said she's too sick (with depression) right now to take the lessons or come to Eikaiwa. :( 

Today we went to the doctor and everything was okay for the TB test! And Iwahashi shimai also caught the same cold I did so she got cold medicine at the same time. So grateful! I was worried the TB test would malfunction or something and we wouldn't be able to send the scans to you in time! Miracles! So grateful!

Father has reading glasses!
Glad Zach ended up in a ditch close to home.
TB was a miracle!
Free Family English Program is
Sae-chan is doing awesome!
Shion-chan is doing good!
It's very convenient I needed a TB test the week we were going to the doctor. :)
I thought the same thing—my prayer was answered that I would get to see another baptism before I go home! Love Yoshi-kun!
I need to practice my flute before we can play any trios.
I love the Book of Mormon.  How is your reading going?

I really learned this week how the Lord is interested in the details of our lives. There were so many times I prayed for help with such small things that were so important to me and He answered. He knew! Even though they were so tiny! And things I didn't even think to pray for were worked out for my good by His tender mercy. I was so amazed. One week I was reading my Book of Mormon in the evening and I read "Nevertheless, the Nephites being strengthened by the hand of the Lord, having prayed mightily to him that he would deliver them out of the hands of their enemies, therefore the Lord did hear their cries, and did strengthen them" and I just knew the Lord had done that for me this week, that even though Iwahashi shimai and I were both sick we were able to go to all our appointments and teach 20 lessons and get a TB test and it worked! He strengthened us and He heard our cries. Because He loves us. And He will help everyone who cries to Him.

I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Your missionary,

Bellows shimai :)

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